RED Project
Literacy and numeracy are fundamental skills for the human development as it enables people to live meaningful lives and contribute to their communities and in society. Research shows that low literacy and low numeracy are often connected. These skills are all essential for learning, as learning is mediated through texts and the use of numbers.
In Europe it is estimated that around 55 million adults between 16 and 65 years old deal with these difficulties. In Europe, one in five 16-65 year-olds have poor reading skills. Research shows that Europeans between ages 26-35 ranked highest in low literacy, followed by those aged from 16-25, than by those aged 36-45 concluded by 46 years and older. This group can be seen as a group that also has the most interest and advantage by gaining digital, literacy and numeracy skills especially.
People coping with these difficulties often also lack proficiency in digital skills. They already have problems with reading simple texts, retrieve simple facts, or make straightforward judgements and they are not able to deal with longer or more complex texts.
The EU representatives in this project will therefore create a modern and innovative platform - The RED platform “Reinforce Europeans Digital, literacy and numeracy skills” which provides an individual baselinetest to detect low literacy and low numeracy, educational materials regarding these topics, materials to present (via video, audio incl. concepts) the ‘digital’ services of social and public (governmental) organisations and provides a roadmap, in which all social and public (governmental) organisations in the local region applicable for this target group are categorized, can be found and contacted.
The RED platform will be set-up as an innovative instrument, which teaches digital skills, tackles low literacy and low numeracy to finally increase social participation and empower the target group!These materials will be put on the platform, where by means of simple icons (or pictograms), and using the 'flipped classroom' method (whereby online classical instructions are offered in videos with voice explanation), written concepts and additional materials
This three-dimensional approach (a combination of a voice-over, screen recordings such as the cursor of a mouse moving across the screen or clicking on something, and reading basic language concepts) will be offered online on the RED platform for all socially relevant themes that remain inaccessible (in all completeness) for the low literate, low numerate and low digitally proficient audience.
By being able to hear the explanation, see and read, but also to continuously repeat (replay), stop when necessary and use it at any time and place - the information suits this group very well and is more sustainable! Finally, the explanation of each part will also be provided in a hand-out (with the focus on the same icons, images, language concepts and narrative) presented as a download-able file on the platform.
The innovative nature of the RED platform is that this platform provides information in threefold and empowers the target group namely regarding their self-sufficiency. Not one platform offers the combination of the following elements, including the focus on self-sufficiency, autonomous learning opportunities, commitment and reinforcement. A European offer for this target group, including all relevant stakeholders and information on this level is not provided yet. Eventhough this problem is recognized all across Europe and it is therefore important to develop a format throughout Europe that can be applied, offered and maintained throughout this union of course with a local / regional and national subject implementations on low literacy and numeracy and digital skills development can be used directly because they are international.
The partnership consists of organizations from 6 countries within the EU.
1Pro Work (Netherlands), main partner of the project. Foundation Knowledge Center PRO WORK promotes the (career) development of people with a (significant) distance to the labor market and the society as a whole.
2Foundation Siglo22 (Spain) develops programs and projects related to learning, improve the conditions of daily life for people with problems: unemployment, gender differences, etc.
3National Training Centre (Bulgaria) is a privately owned training organisation established in 1999. It is actively engaged in research and development of training innovation.
4JKVG (Belgium) helps young people with a distance to the labour market searching for a job or training. JKVG vzw has built up expertise in developing and organising trainings in the area of disability and employment on an individual or school-level.
5Euroface Consulting (Czech Republic) is a consulting and training centre fostering links between the education and production sectors, regionally and with some international outreach.
6Ljudska univerza Velenje (Slovania) is public non-profit adult education institution providing education and support to various target groups.
7New service (Italy) mission is to carry out activities in the field of social promotion Relief, Social Health, Cultural, Educational, Orientation and Professional Training addressed to our compatriots abroad as well as immigrants.

Need analysis report in the partner countries.
Conduct a final research in every partner country concerning the need of the target group in relation to the development of the RED platform, so the platform will connect directly to the specific needs of the target group.
RED Baseline test
The RED Baseline test will be an online tool, that allows organisations (local primary stakeholders as f.e. the municipality, social services, HR departments of companies/sheltered workshops etc. to trace quickly and easily people who might have a difficulty with regards to literacy or numeracy.
RED Roadmap
The RED Roadmap is a navigator where all social institutions that could offer help, information or more towards the target group are categorically classified.
RED Platform (incl. i-Flip content development)
The development of the RED platform concerns the technical, operational, lay-out and content aspect.
RED Platform sustainability study
A sustainability study on the continuation of the RED platform after the project lifetime needs to be carried out.
The training of the partners regarding the i-Flip produston is a key point to the success of the whole objective of the RED platform. Therefore the partners were trained by the host Siglo22 in April 2018 in Madrid about the complete Flipped Classroom/Blended learning methodology to be used in this project. They will be the ones that will develop the i-Flips based on the local needs of the target group and the local supply of social and public services (which require explanation for the target group through the i-Flips). The partners will create the materials in their own language.